'Tell Your Mother That You Love Her - Right Now'

If I have one regret … apart from insisting on £100 cash rather than 50 Bitcoin for a design job back in the day, drinking whiskey after midnight and buying fireworks from a man with three fingers and an eye patch - it's not telling my dear old Mom that ‘I loved her’ more often.

Listen to me -You must tell your old ma that you 'love her' right now. Why? - Because one day, you will look up from your phone, be coming back from the gym, or be blindsided by a call at 3am on one insignificant Tuesday night, and she will be gone.

The reasons you’ve got to do it right now and say 'I love you' are many.’

Firstly, the old girl needs a round of applause - She played a significant role in our lives, first by creating us, then caring for us, supporting us, and making untold sacrifices for our wellbeing. Telling her that you ‘love her’ is the simplest way to express gratitude for all that she has done for you. Think about it, she even slept with your dad to make you happen.

Second it strengthens the bond between you both: Sharing your love for your mother strengthens the emotional bond between you. It reinforces the connection you have with her and creates a sense of closeness and understanding. She’ll know that all her efforts are valued and appreciated.

Thirdly, it fosters emotional well-being for you both: Expressing love and affection has a positive impact on you and your Ma. Telling the old girl that you love her can contribute to her emotional well-being, making her feel valued and appreciated and it will make you feel more like a real human being – trust me.

Fourthly it acknowledges her importance: Your Ma has dedicated a significant portion of her life to raising you and nurturing your development. By telling mom you love her, you acknowledge her importance in your life. You also recognise the impact she has had on shaping you into the delightful weirdo you are today.

Lastly it encourages open communication: Expressing love for your mom fosters open and honest communication. It creates a safe space for you both to share emotions and strengthens the foundation for deeper conversations and connections.

But remember, actions speak louder than words. Along with telling the old girl that you love her, showing your love through your actions, such as spending quality time with her, taking her to the garden centre on a Sunday and smile happily as she noisily eats her massive portion of fish and chips whilst telling you she ' doesn't eat much these days' or cut the grass anything you do to be meaningful and appreciated.

Remember she gave the best years of her life to make you the happy weirdo you are today – pick up the phone and go all Stevie Wonder ‘Hey – Mom – I just called to say ‘I Love You.’

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